4783743328 or 4782311215
Refuge House for Ladies
A Christ Centered Discipleship Ministry for Ladies seeking healing and deliverance from addiction and the issues that led them there .
The Refuge House provides a safe, loving, warm, peaceful, Godly environment. We laugh together, cry together, pray together, play together, and worship together. We minister to the ladies by helping our ladies become the well-rounded women of God that He originally intended for them to be. We also prepare them to become productive members of our society, as well as to become good mothers, wives, friends and citizens. We are not a rehab but a place where Jesus sets ladies free, heals them and prepares them for a life of purpose and passion for Jesus.
Our program is 7 to 9 months in duration unless more time is needed and there is an option for transitional housing. The ladies also can upon acceptance stay on in transition for an extended stay transition. (phase 3). During the first and second phase the ladies are not allowed to work but will be taught money management, parenting classes and other life skills as well as Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. In the second phase the ladies will be allowed to and required to obtain jobs. We believe that with a firm foundation in Christ and knowing their true identity, the ladies can live a victorious life in society. We teach our ladies who they are in Christ and how to walk in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Leaders may stay longer.
•You must be between the ages of 21 to 45.
•You must be broken, sick and tired of your old life and at the end of yourself.
•You must have a good attitude and be willing to do whatever it takes to have a new life.
•You must be able to do chores and light physical activities as well as being able to walk 2 miles.
•You cannot have any major health issues and must be able to do household chores etc. We aren't a medical facility.
To set up an interview, call the ministry at 478-374-3328 or the director, Dahl at 478-231-1215.
We do not turn anyone away because of a lack of funds. However, we cannot operate without donations. Some families are able to help their loved one have a complete life change but some can not. We accept no state or federal funding or grants. We operate totally by faith in God. It cost approximately $1200. per month per lady. Approximately 120,000.00 per year for the first phase alone.
Most of the support comes through individuals, churches and women’s groups from anywhere the Lord stirs. The Lord has provided everything we have needed through the hands, feet and hearts of others. We have never been without. He accomplishes His purpose through His children. Almost all of our support comes from individuals and couples and a few churches that God stirs to support this ministry. If you are reading this and you would like to partner with Jesus and the Refuge please contact us, donate here or mail to the address below.
Sometimes we do have a waiting list. However, that can change from day to day. Some ladies change their minds, some get into other programs, and some go back to their old ways, so our waiting list is always changing. It could be from a few days to a few weeks. It is best to call for an interview; if we cannot take you, we will give you a list of other programs.
ITEMS TO BRING if possible
If you don't have any of the items below don't worry, God will supply your needs at The Refuge.
Bible, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, 3 ring notebooks
CD player without radio & batteries if needed
Christian CD’s only. No rap or secular music, books or movies allowed.
Pillow & case/ NEW WHITE twin sheet sets
Envelopes /stamps
Laundry basket/detergent/softener
Personal toiletries
Personal money: to be used for personal items (pads, deodorant etc)
2 towels 2 wash cloths
No medicines or over the counter drugs
No items with alcohol included ( mouthwash etc)
Church clothes and casual clothes needed. ( jeans with no holes showing skin, no short shorts, T shirts are to be worn under top shirt) Leggings can only be worn outside of the home when they are covered by an overshirt that covers the buttocks of body and the front area. Leggings may be worn while cleaning the home and quite time in bedrooms. (Limit 5 pants, 5 jeans 15 shirts.)
Distracting tattoos must be covered
One piece bathing suit/ Can be two piece with long top to cover midsection and back. 1 Beach towel.
•Food donations: All food items such as sugar, coffee, creamer, meats, veggies, fruits, etc.
•Cleaning products: Windex, washing powder, soft scrub, pledge, Clorox, etc.
•Household use items: toilet paper, paper towels, tin foil, cling wrap, kitchen garbage bags, batteries, etc.
•Items for ladies to use: CD players, journals, pens, note cards.
•Sponsors for ladies unable to pay.
• If you would like to donate anything, you can contact us at one of the addresses or numbers below. Or you can donate financially online on the Donate page.
Contact Us:
The Refuge
345 Pearl Bates Ave
Eastman, Ga 31023
Phone: 478-374-3328
Alternate: 478-231-1215
Learning to Give Back
The Ladies were able to give back some by serving with Operation Christmas Child locally and in Atlanta at the distribution center.
Shaping Your Faith
We enjoy special times of worship and fellowship at Christ honoring and bible teaching churches.
It not just about getting sober
We believe the ladies who surrender their lives to Jesus and learn their true identity can not only be free from the stronghold of addictions but be the Godly ladies, moms, daughters and wives that God created them to be. Never ever having to return to the former life.
John 8:31-32 (ESV)
31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,
32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”